Critical Thinking about EVs Revolution

November 15th, 2013 § 0 comments

As mentioned in the news that “the all-electric Nissan Leaf was the biggest selling passenger car in October”, and “Tesla shares have been one of Nasdaq’s hottest investments”. However, the article claims that the success of electric vehicles(EV) owing to taxpayers. A metaphor is used in the article to explain the reason-“[People] would not buy a gasoline car if there were not gasoline stations”. In other words, complete infrastructure, such as electricity station and other related facility demanded by drivers, is required in terms of the spread of electric vehicles. Undoubtedly, taxpayers pay for those if the government as well as the company attempts to popularize electric vehicles.

There is no doubt electric cars are technology revolution, and they are environmental-friendly and sustainable, and almost every driver wants it. The problem is that the cost of entry regarding both sellers and buyers is too high to afford. Technology revolutions always stuck in this kind of dilemma. It is unreasonable to say that taxpayers “have to” contribute to the electric cars. The infrastructure of electric cars is similar to gasoline cars, so is it also unfair to have gasoline stations from the view of non-drivers? It is always hard for a new product to enter a market and then become more popular in this market, people should look at those products from a long-term view.


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