Monthly Archives: September 2014

Say no to pollution and waste

In recent years, it is not uncommon to see that some companies tend to make short-term profit at the cost of the whole environment. Pollution and waste are two obvious examples. By pouring effluent directly into the sea or lakes, a company may save millions of dollars which should have been spent to construct environment protection system. In terms of business ethics, those firms fail to obey the social rules and increase profit in a legal and justified way because they take law and morality for granted and focus merely on their own interest. As far as I am concerned, companies are not necessarily responsible to contribute to improving the environment, but they should at least bear in mind that the bottom line is not to pollute and damage the ecological environment for the sake of their own good. Maximizing the profit is a jointly goal of all existing corporations but it is not an excuse for destroying the environment. Also, a waste of resources such as water and trees is unforgivable. For one thing, those resources are public property, which is shared by the society as a whole. For another, the wasting phenomenon means the company doesn’t take its social responsibility and fails to use those resources to the fullest. To tackle the problems, corporations are expected make some changes such as introducing new technology to prevent these problems from happening again.

Gender equality in business working place
This article raises a controversial opinion that the rise of feminism stands in the way of male career promotion. Is it true? Personally, I can’ totally agree with him because men and women undoubtedly share the same right and it is not a woman’s fault if a men fails to find a job. I believe that a company should be responsible to provide man and women with equal chance and respect to succeed in the business working place. For so long, women are deprived of the right of receiving higher education and forced to do poor-paid job just because of the prejudice that women are less capable of fulfilling the task than man. However, the truth is that in most fields including finance, marketing, accounting and so on, female workers can have the work done perfectly as male employees or even better. To say that does not necessarily mean that a company should hire a woman without any condition with a pure purpose of promoting gender equality. It is not the gender that matters. In other words, a company with business ethics will set rules to create an equal working environment for man and women alike and at the same time not base its talent selection on gender only.