Monthly Archives: October 2014

Compromise of the profit and development

The First Nation declared a site of abundant mineral property to be its territory and strongly stands against the mining exploitation of mining industry firms.This results in conflicts between development and preservation,resulting in a tremendous impact on business decisions.

Traditionally,it is fairly common for a mining company to acquire the license from the authority and exploit mineral resources in a large scale to earn great deal of profit regardless of the natives’ culture and life styles.However,the business decision needs to be changed accordingly considering the protest and opposition of the First Nation people.Those companies are no longer allowed to enter the territory of the First Nation,let alone the exploitation of the resources.Additionally,mining companies are forced to transform their ways of development and adopt a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly way in terms of resources exploitation.①

It is of great importance of mining industry managers to catch up with the cultural trend and be respectful of local cultural heritage.To be more specific,mining company holders should negotiate and cooperate with the First Nation people to establish a long term partnership to achieve a win-win situation by providing with working opportunities for local people and exploit the environment without interrupting their previous life styles.To achieve this,more advanced technology should be introduced to mining industry to make a profit in a more efficient and sustainable way.


How to increase movie market share in China?

China is acknowledged as a country with a large population and huge market potential.In terms of movies,China has become the largest international market around the world,which draw attentions from many famous movie directors and managers.

One of the most common ways is to hire some Chinese stars to play roles in the movie.In this way,producers can successfully attract a large proportions of movie fans who don’t care about the plot and quality of the movie to buy their tickets just for the performances of their idols.However,it is criticized because some movie producers launch “Chinese special version” of poor quality and production regardless of the feelings of audiences in China just for the short-term profit.Although it did work at first,but later audiences refuse to be tricked by businessman and the reputation and box office earnings of Hollywood movies drop to a great extend.To secure the position in Chinese market,Hollywood producers learn to adjust their way of making movies and cooperate with the authority to introduce more various and high-quality movies into China to cater the different needs of movie lovers.

To seek for long-term profit,it is of great significance to establish a strong and loyal relationship with consumers,and one of the requirement is being honest and not make money by cheating on consumers.When it comes to movie,it is not necessity but a spirit product that can enhance the quality of one’s life.To further fulfill the need of consumers,producers are bound to produce more types of extraordinary movies to expand market shares.

What makes Starbucks the leader of coffee business

Starbucks is undoubtedly one of the most valuable brands around the world.Is is recognized as a fashion ,a casual life style,and it is extremely popular among young generations.In a business canvas,value propositions of a company are acknowledged as “get the job done”,and my analyses of Starbucks are as follows.

Firstly,Starbucks can meet the shared basic need of consumers,which is to refresh them in the early morning or late evening in order to work more effectively and efficiently.Also,to cater the varying needs of different consumer segments,the diversity of products is the ultimate solutions.Starbucks provides with various coffee and other food and drinks including latte,cappuccino,hot chocolate and cakes.Also,it will launch new flavor of Frappuccino to attract more consumers.In terms of the accessibility,Starbucks has coffee shops spreading almost around every busy streets and malls,which make it extremely convenient for consumers to grab a drink after a long exhausted day.Most importantly,Starbucks has established a loyal relationship with consumers by shaping itself as a leading and fashionable brand.Youngsters tend to follow their peers,which means if a person of a group propose to buy a drink in Starbucks,the rest of them will generally follow the shoes even they are not thirsty or tired at all.

In a word,a company can only expand and be a leader in a certain area by knowing exactly what consumers need and fulfilling the specific needs of consumer.