First Nations Say No to Northern Gateway Today. What About Tomorrow?

“There Will Be No Pipeline.”

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Using the PEST analysis tool, I personally think that the disagreement to the constructions of Northern Gateway from First Nations are mostly because of social and environmental concerns. Firstly, the aboriginals regard the territory where pipelines will be buried as a sense of belonging. This self-identity gives them the mind to reserve what’s historic and be against modern actions. Besides, the possible devastation to aboriginal environment is their rationale for opposition. They strongly oppose to the constructions in the fear that they no longer have those natural resources to rely on.

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Though the project of Northern Gateway is opposed by some aboriginal groups, it has gained some support from others and the authority. The future for this project is still uncertain. Personally, I think that Enbridge should step back and consider again this question: is this project really in social interest and provide what is in great need? If the answer is yes and it decides to continue, the company should take the voices of First Nations seriously, but not be fully constrained by them. A solution can be worked out to reconcile the conflict without stopping the company from making profits.

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