Lululemon Brand Position Swayed

    As the company’s founder and chairman Chip Wilson countered with Lululemon pants’ quality issue of pilling by responding that “Yeah but there has always pilling. The thing is that women will wear seat belts that don’t work or a purse that doesn’t work or, quite frankly, some women’s bodies just actually don’t work for it.”,  Lululemon was set on a hot seat among the general public.

        Wilson’s claim on “some women’s bodies just don’t work for it” has excluded quite a number of customers who recognize themselves “unfit” and “lack of thigh gaps” as well as a public controversy on its brand position. Lululemon is known for its yoga outfits and as stated in its brand advertising, it stresses on the “quality and performance” of its products. This haste comment contradicts to the inclusivity of the nature of yoga that Lululemon’s customer target is greatly involved with. Regarding to this authentic and unique brand position that Lululemon has achieved in the last few years, public’s discontent with some quality issues could be alleviated in other ways instead of harming the overall brand reputation.


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