After reading Amy Porterfield’s blog, “should I use click bait to increase engagement on facebook?” ,it changed my perception about the concept of social media network. Facebook was originally design as a social platform for friends and people around the globe to be connected and updated with current events. However the trend of companies adapting social media marketing has increased over the years, implementing advertisements over social behaviour or by referring the user to pages that their friend has recently viewed. Companies are developing different techniques to attract their target audience such as advertisements on gaming apps where the player has to view the advertisement before being allowed to advance into the game.
Technological advancements have made information transparent and more accessible through media platforms; hence making the barrier of intruding personal privacy permeable for companies. Its a fantasy for marketing firms as this information that wasn’t available for them a decade ago. They could better understand customer behaviour, preferences, hobbies; hence allowing companies to create products that customers would find appealing. However, the downside for users is the question whether if their information is protected by the ‘1988 data protection act’ or by simply click a bottom box at the corner of the ‘terms and conditions’ page allows companies to access your information. However, does every user know that their information is being shared or stored for marketing purposes? Companies always tend to hide their dark sides from the consumers to prevent conflicts, hence preventing unintended attention which I find unethical, information should be transparent especially in this century.
#38: Should You Use Click Bait to Increase Engagement on Facebook?