Shopping on Single Day? What is that?

  “Snapping up in Single Day!” is a post from the blogs from Huayu Zhou. It demonstrates a online shopping website like E-bay called Taobao in China which doing similar discount sales to Black Friday in North America. Still, there are some difference between them. Taobao offers customers a 50% off discount in almost every products at November 11th which called Single day.

  This attractive discount brings a great business opportunity to the suppliers. Especially Chinese people will prepare clothing, foods, furniture to winter as a tradition which means facing a new year with a new starts. Surprisingly, the total amount of transactions of that day is over 350million RMB which is even higher than Black Friday in North America last year.

  Yet, this great amount of transaction brings up a new problem: Can the physical distribution plays well this time. As such huge number of money transactions, there must be a great number of parcels need to  be deliver. Solving with this problem, the company union all the express company together and giving them guidance. Also, in order to avoid severe weather that may show up in north China, they also consider to using trains instead of trucks to delivers the parcels.

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