TRAP of Black Friday Deals

    Televisions, laptops, phones, electronic products. Mask, toner, cream, make up. Clothing, bags, deals. Shopping! When people think of Black Friday, the first thing will come up with is all those words and discount for that. However, does anyone think of there may be some traps in those good deals?
  Black Friday is the next day of the forth Thursday in November. In that day, many shops will offer special discount for the consumers. For example, clothing shop H&M will give free gift card up to $300 to people line up for their shop. So, there will be a long line in front of most shops in shopping malls.

 Yet, there will be some traps in this day. It does not mean that providers give fake discount or selling fake products to customers. Here, it means psychologic situation with those attractive deals. To be honest, people are always attractive by sales products which they may not need. At the beginning, some people just interesting in how are others acting in Black Friday. So that they will go and have a look what is going on there. While they start to line up for something they are interesting, however, they will feel extremely disappointed if the goods they want is sold out and felling unfair to them. People starts to buy somethings else. As a result, this kind of problems will continue happen again and again and people are buying unnecessary goods.

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