What? BuffferBox is showing up in the market?

  “BufferBox now available in San Francisco” is a commercial post in google blogs. Some of you may be interesting in what is BufferBox. According to the article, it is a service which reduce the chances that people might missing their parcel. A BufferBox can be any superstores, coffee shops where is near by your living address.

  These program is implement in Toronto last year, you can choose one of the BufferBox site as your address when you are checking out while online shopping. These parcels will deliver to those sites directly and safely. The parcels will leave there and take care by staff. You can make an appointment to pick them up. How do you know your parcel is there? People will receive a email telling that there is a parcel for you.
  In my own opinion, Google providing citizens with this service which means very convenient to them, especially people living along or there is no one during the day. This can also be a free advertisement that showing the stong brand concepts of google. It is a opportunity and also a strength to take a important part in the  market.


Shopping on Single Day? What is that?

  “Snapping up in Single Day!” is a post from the blogs from Huayu Zhou. It demonstrates a online shopping website like E-bay called Taobao in China which doing similar discount sales to Black Friday in North America. Still, there are some difference between them. Taobao offers customers a 50% off discount in almost every products at November 11th which called Single day.

  This attractive discount brings a great business opportunity to the suppliers. Especially Chinese people will prepare clothing, foods, furniture to winter as a tradition which means facing a new year with a new starts. Surprisingly, the total amount of transactions of that day is over 350million RMB which is even higher than Black Friday in North America last year.

  Yet, this great amount of transaction brings up a new problem: Can the physical distribution plays well this time. As such huge number of money transactions, there must be a great number of parcels need to  be deliver. Solving with this problem, the company union all the express company together and giving them guidance. Also, in order to avoid severe weather that may show up in north China, they also consider to using trains instead of trucks to delivers the parcels.




Gun Forbidden in Starbucks?

  Recently, I have read a blog post from Yijing Chen which is talking about the conflict between gun holders and non-gun holders. Should guns allow in Starbucks?

  Actually, Starbucks announced a policy that firearms are forbidden in the store. As mentioned in the blogs, some people think this may be a culture of gun holders. They think they have the right get into the coffee shop with gun. Meanwhile, others believes that this will put them in great dangers because the atmosphere in the coffee should be comfortable not nervous or under pressure.
  However,to be honest, there is another site should be bring up with, which is how to implement this policy efficiently. How can every shop detects whether people have bring their gun. Should Starbucks purchase a machine which using in the airport and hiring people to control it and make a body search? How much extra cost Starbucks to run this policy successfully and efficiently?
  Moreover, whether this policy will bring up an new problem which is that some extreme people will have a idea of shotting the coffee shop by not given them to bring guns into the coffee shop. This will more likely to bring danger to the public.


TRAP of Black Friday Deals

    Televisions, laptops, phones, electronic products. Mask, toner, cream, make up. Clothing, bags, deals. Shopping! When people think of Black Friday, the first thing will come up with is all those words and discount for that. However, does anyone think of there may be some traps in those good deals?
  Black Friday is the next day of the forth Thursday in November. In that day, many shops will offer special discount for the consumers. For example, clothing shop H&M will give free gift card up to $300 to people line up for their shop. So, there will be a long line in front of most shops in shopping malls.

 Yet, there will be some traps in this day. It does not mean that providers give fake discount or selling fake products to customers. Here, it means psychologic situation with those attractive deals. To be honest, people are always attractive by sales products which they may not need. At the beginning, some people just interesting in how are others acting in Black Friday. So that they will go and have a look what is going on there. While they start to line up for something they are interesting, however, they will feel extremely disappointed if the goods they want is sold out and felling unfair to them. People starts to buy somethings else. As a result, this kind of problems will continue happen again and again and people are buying unnecessary goods.

Monogopoly exist in University Campus

  While talking about monopoly, people usually will bring up with bad, expensive, angry, and others impressions or feeling about that. However, here is a special case that will be discuss in the following.
  Should UBC book store belongs to a monopoly? It would be determine as a special monopoly that exist in UBC campus because it has some common characteristics to monopoly but still slightly different.

According to the definition of monopoly, the business’ goal is to maximizes profits, also it is a price maker. Other sellers are unable to enter the market because of high barriers and a monopolist can decided the quality of the product or the price of the product. However, UBC bookstore is conform with the two above expect that UBC bookstore is not consider profit maximizing as their goals but convenience to all the students and staff. Also, it will not just change the price and the quality of the products they provided.
  The most important thing need to mention about is the services they offer to the customers.(showing in the picture below)

 UBC bookstore offers with online services which people can order online and it can be deliver directly to their residence or house. What is more, students can have a lower price to rent the textbook which may not need in the next semester, so that students can ignore of selling back to others. Besides, it is also accepted that students can sell their used book to bookstore. Finally, cash back is a very nice services to consumers because people basically using different debit cards from different banks. It charges people extra money of taking money out from a ATM machine. This can reduce unnecessary cost. Overall, UBC bookstore gives buyers with valuable services.


Golden Fashion Among the Market


  Recently, products with gold color become extremely popular in the market. For example, Iphone5s produced with a brand-new color in their product which is gold and the products in this color had been sold out at the first day when Apple Store was start selling. From daily products to jewelry, all of them become people’s first choice.
  Goods with gold color become a business opportunity to every company.As a result,Starbucks is also selling a new gold tumbler this season.
  Starbucks catched this opportunity to win customers’ love. In those products, Starbucks have various strengths. First of all, they have loyal customer group who will more likely to support their products. Secondly, knowing how to pander to customer’s favor can increase their sales. Moreover, as it can be see, those product also have nice-looking and good design other that gold color. In addition, Starbucks has a strong brand concept-image to consumers because of their marked logo. Finally, they provide buyers with reasonable price which can also increase the sales.
  What’s is more, there is an opportunity to increase their profit is that determine Asian people as their target market.   



Using lightning to charge your phone

Have you ever heard of using lightning to charge your phone? Oh, yes……..wait, what? LIGHTNING? Um, yeah,what I am saying is lightning.

Nokia Wants to Use Lightning to Charge Your Phone (video link)


A group of scientists from the University of Southampton have teamed up with Nokia to explore the possibility of harnessing the energy of a lightning bolt to charge a mobile device. Is possible to use lightning to charge our phones? A Nokia Lumia 925 battery was charge successfully. How is this working and is this safety? The report states that this id for future products. As to this investment, it’s no doubt that it was really attracting people who are really into new technology product. It can become a opportunity to Nokia company to express their idea to the market and buyers, because it is new and some people love trying different things. However, it can also become a treat to them. Most people will have a question, how can I know when is lightning and how can I get it? Is it cost a lot? Then most consumer they will not try to know more about this new technology. The market for this investment will just for a small group of people and it will be a long time that Nokia can receive the money they put into this.



Coffee-giving bug spreads in Canada!!

What is bug? It usually means wrong program that happen in our computers or cellphones,etc. While today we are talking about a lovely behavior that happened in Tim Hortons, buying hundreds cups of coffee for strangers.

It was was start by a man who walked into Tim Hortons (a coffee shop in Canada) in Edmonton, he paid for 500 cups of coffee with no apparent reason and gave those 500 cups of coffee to the strangers who walked  into the shops next by. After that, things like this keep happening.


Some people doubt that it was plan by Tim Hortons themselves but they denied those claims. Analyzing this event, for sure, no matter it was plan by Tim Hortons or really did by the customers themselves, it spreads loves but bugs to people, especially to people who cannot afford it.

Although Tim Hortons was saying that, but we can still make a assumption that it was planed. I would say this was a really good strategy for marketing. They used a small amount money and made a very good effect in the society, it become a efficient way to let people know their brand. It also makes people have a better impression on them and consumers are more willing to buy their products.




Apple Iphone 6 will come up with a 4.8 inch ?

Apple is always a hot topic between the society, new IMAC, new IPAD, new IPOD and new IPHONE. Did you buy already ? Recently, Iphone 5s and 5c were come into the market and a great number od people made a panic purchase of them, especially 5s in gold.

When all this are happening, IPHONE 6 is talking by people that it will have a screen of 4.8 inches. Will IPHONE 6 have a bigger screen and how much consumers will like it. Comparing with another well-known phone company—Samsung whose cellphone with a big screen and an android system, apple has a strength is there unique system—ios. Most consumers will choose Iphone because ios system is running more faster than android. Will a bigger screen size become an opportunity to apple? I will answer yes. If apple has a bigger screen then apple is taking away the specialty of other cellphone company.

If apple is selling phones with both 4-inch display and 4.8-inch display, then apple will has a potential improvement of profit. However, how will aplle choose? Who knows!



About business ethics

When it comes to “business ethic”, people will always begin a discussion between right and wrong about the behaviour of a corporation. In many caese, it is easy can be seen that plenty of companies only care about their profit but ignore the responsibility to the society. A reliable business should follow the relevant codes of practice that cover its sector. How to run a company well mostly depends on how the customer satisfied with it. For an example of one clothes corporation, they can order clothes online or straightly in the shop. Many customers they will complain that the quality of the clothes which order online is much worse than the one they bought from the shop. It illustrate a problems that some corporations they try to fool the customers who will not charge the companies if they bought something which are not expected as they do. Business ethic require the companies should produce reliable goods and provide a responsible service.

http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/anglo-american/business-ethics-and-corporate-social-responsibility/what-are-business-ethics.html#axzz2eho1iSyh (what are business ethics)