What is behind iPhone5’s success

Only after releasing for a week, the iPhone 5 has become the most popular phone ever in history, racking up 5 million units sold during its first three days of availability. The new phone not only brings massive revenue to Apple, but also to millions of IOS developers. Surely, the iPhone 5 has improved a lot from its iPhone 4s with 4G LTE, a longer and larger screen, and a faster processer. However critiques about iPhone 5’s downsides have been dramatically fervent too. So why would iPhone 5 still be so popular in spite of its weakness that people all have been talking about? I think the reason has so do with Apple’s smart marketing strategy. The week before the iPhone 5 was announced, apple already sent out invitations to media, bloggers, and influencers for an in San Francisco in which they hinted strongly the would be unveiling the iPhone 5. In its introduction video, Apple doesn’t go on and on about its complicated technology and hard drive, which people won’t understand. Instead, Apple chooses to use a more personal and thoughtful approach. They talk about how their customers’ lives would be better and easier with the iPhone 5. Apple always advertises its product in a way that is less technical but more personal, which is a good way that can be adapted by technical companies.


iPhone 5 Popularity Causing An App Store Boom [Report]

Samsung attacks iPhone5 in new ad

After Apple has launched its most valuable product- iPhone 5 on September 12, the other smart phone giant Samsung quickly responded to the battle by jabbing a feisty Ad. Although Samsung didn’t mention Apple or iPhone in the Ad, the ad takes shot of apple fanboys waiting outside the store that has similar design of the apple store. The iPhone fans talk about the new features of the iPhone5. But random Samsung Galaxy S3 users weave in and out of the line comparing attractive feathers of Samsung with those of iphone5, indicating that Apple is only introducing a larger screen.
The marketing strategy Samsung uses here is similar to the one used in “cola wars”. By directly taking an aim at its competitors, Samsung is able to attract more consumers from its direct competitor- Apple. Although the strategy seems too bold, the ad did receive immediate attention from the public. As Apple has dominated smart phone market for a long time, Samsung’s Ad aims at redirecting consumers to think about smart phone feathers and to change minds of consumers who are “brainwashed” by Apple’s products. However, critiques might arise against Samsung’s strategy for being unethical and hostile.



Google, a new definition of dominance

According to US federal regulators, Google is now mired in legal proceedings over alleged abuses of its large Internet search engine and the online advertising markets. The federal regulators doubts that Google’s strong market power will lead to high prices or other forms of wrongdoing on consumers.

However, since the establishment of the company, Goggle has always followed its slogan of “Don’t be evil” by constantly providing better free services to customers. If Google ceases to innovate and produce high quality goods that consumers crave, it will disappear even after having been the dominant player. In my opinion, the success of Google is mainly due to its clear business strategy. After Goggle has built its strong brand name, it didn’t stop innovating new products facing the threats of new entrants such as Bing and Blekko. Google kept expanding its service lines such as g-mail, Google map and the android mobile operating system. On top of super convenient information Google provides, its other products gradually gains loyalty from consumers too. G-mail has now become as competitive as Hotmail and yahoo mail. Android stands in market as a strong competitor of Apple’s IOS operating system. The success of Google has to thank to its both expanding production lines and improving existing product line.


