Google, a new definition of dominance

According to US federal regulators, Google is now mired in legal proceedings over alleged abuses of its large Internet search engine and the online advertising markets. The federal regulators doubts that Google’s strong market power will lead to high prices or other forms of wrongdoing on consumers.

However, since the establishment of the company, Goggle has always followed its slogan of “Don’t be evil” by constantly providing better free services to customers. If Google ceases to innovate and produce high quality goods that consumers crave, it will disappear even after having been the dominant player. In my opinion, the success of Google is mainly due to its clear business strategy. After Goggle has built its strong brand name, it didn’t stop innovating new products facing the threats of new entrants such as Bing and Blekko. Google kept expanding its service lines such as g-mail, Google map and the android mobile operating system. On top of super convenient information Google provides, its other products gradually gains loyalty from consumers too. G-mail has now become as competitive as Hotmail and yahoo mail. Android stands in market as a strong competitor of Apple’s IOS operating system. The success of Google has to thank to its both expanding production lines and improving existing product line.


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