Samsung attacks iPhone5 in new ad

After Apple has launched its most valuable product- iPhone 5 on September 12, the other smart phone giant Samsung quickly responded to the battle by jabbing a feisty Ad. Although Samsung didn’t mention Apple or iPhone in the Ad, the ad takes shot of apple fanboys waiting outside the store that has similar design of the apple store. The iPhone fans talk about the new features of the iPhone5. But random Samsung Galaxy S3 users weave in and out of the line comparing attractive feathers of Samsung with those of iphone5, indicating that Apple is only introducing a larger screen.
The marketing strategy Samsung uses here is similar to the one used in “cola wars”. By directly taking an aim at its competitors, Samsung is able to attract more consumers from its direct competitor- Apple. Although the strategy seems too bold, the ad did receive immediate attention from the public. As Apple has dominated smart phone market for a long time, Samsung’s Ad aims at redirecting consumers to think about smart phone feathers and to change minds of consumers who are “brainwashed” by Apple’s products. However, critiques might arise against Samsung’s strategy for being unethical and hostile.


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