In the blog “BlackBerry by choice is bad marketing by choice” on Canadian Business, it talks about a funny borderline immature stance in BlackBerry’s marketing. When many of BlackBerry users are ashamed of their outdated devices, BlackBerry responses to the complaints by pointing out that the only reason people still use BlackBerrys is because their employer forces them to through its new slogan “BlackBerry by choice”. I agree with most of the points in this blog. A company should never point out its own products’ shortcomings in its advertising, When the competitors of BlackBerry are all being very innovative and at the same time very influential to bring up the power of the products, it is an irony for BlackBerry to promote its products as a cellphone by choice. In reality, it totally disappoints those of who are forced to use BlackBerry. The BlackBerry case raises a series of questions about how a once powerful company can use marketing to help it survive? How can advertisements help them remind consumers of its strengths? How should the company create a new image to catch up with the main trend? “BlackBerry by choice” obviously has none of the effect on catching consumer’s attentions or creating abpositive image for the company.
Links for further reading:–blackberry-by-choice-is-bad-marketing-by-choice