The serious mistake

This post is made in response to Alanna Hua’s post Short-lived “lifelong mail service”

Inspired from the title “lifelong mail service”, I can see Yahoo! has tried to make a commitment to their customers. However, the adjective “short-lived” is right in the front of it. This tells me more than they fail to comply with their promise.

Last year, Yahoo! announced that they were going to reduce their employees by 2000, which is 14% of the total number. They even started to “fire” some executives in order to reduce the total cost in January, 2013.

The most important reason behind that is the serious vulnerability of their system. Hackers can take an advantage of XXS deficit of all the major websites to intrude the mailboxes of Yahoo!’s users. They can send email to all the users, and once users click the email, their cookies are automatically sent to the hackers’ mailbox. In the end, their emails are no longer private any more.

The serious incident, as their bad performance of one of their key activities, harmed the value proposition that the company provide, resulting in unstable brand positioning. Not to mention their revenue stream. Things link together and they change correspondingly and simultaneously.

Famous companies, tech ones in particular, should really protect their customers from potential loss. This again examines the importance of information technology. How companies are going to use technology to make decisions for customers? In this case, Yahoo! should pay close attention to the maintenance and improvement of their computer system from the very beginning and keep up the good work through periods.

Work cited: Web. 2013

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