In 2012, Google founder Sergy Brin announced that Google Self-Driving car will be available in the market in 2017. By just simply typing or speaking a location into your vehicle’s interface, it will automatically drive you to your destination while you are doing something else like reading a book or looking at your phone. Google’s target customers range from young adults to older generations. The project is undoubtedly innovative and attractive. When the Google self driving vehicle is formally introduced in the market in 2017, even people who don’t know how to drive can sit in the driver seat and experience the surprises that the vehicle brings. There will be a new revolutionary technology coming along with the adoption of the Google Self-Driving vehicle. It is estimated that hundreds of billions of dollars will be lost by automakers, suppliers, dealers, insurers, parking companies, and many other car-related enterprises. Government would also lose revenue from licensing fees, taxes and tolls. It is for sure that Google Self-Driving vehicle will convenient and bring much of fun to the general public, yet it will also impact the business significantly at the same time.