In October 2015, Chinese officials announced that the country is going to end its population control policy — One-Child Policy, and now the Chinese couples are allowed to have two children. One child Policy was first introduced in 1978 to control China’s exploding population and it had been strongly enforced throughout the years. China ends this family planning policy now in order to ease the country’s problem of expanding aging population and shrinking labour force. However, I think relaxing the policy doesn’t help China’s economy that much. Since China’s one Child Policy had been in effect for so many years and the minimum age for the working population is 15, the rate of growing labour force will never exceed the rate of aging population (which is an ideal economic situation). Even though the couples are allowed to have two children now, there will be a big question of how many couples are actually going to have more than one child? It is estimated that more than 82 million Chinese people are below the poverty line now. It is not easy at all to raise a child from any aspects, especially from the financial aspect. I believe that many couples will choose to have one kid only since many of them cannot afford to have a second child since raising one child is already uneasy. I think that changes of the One Child Policy comes too late now; the severe economic issue of aging population and shrinking working population that China faces cannot be easily solved.
The Real Reason for China’s Two-Child Policy: Millions of New Consumers