Gender Equality

In the modern world we are living in now, almost everyone is advocating for gender equality. Now a question may be asked: does gender equality exist in the business world we are in? According to a recent research, women are increasingly entering the workforce, with participation rates rising from 50.2% to 51.8% since 1980. The data shows that the 21st century has seen a dramatic shift in “traditional” family dynamics and greater recognition of gender in legislation has helped pull apart gender-role divisions. However, a gender wage gap and significant disparity between women and men in high-level corporate positions continue to be an issue. Detailed data presents that women earn between 70% and 90 % of what men do for comparable work; which means that men are still in a stronger position in the business world. Moreover, Facebook’s chief operating officer, Ms. Sandberg commented that, “Companies say that diversity is important, that they want more women in leadership. Our employees don’t believe that’s true.” From what has been listed above, human beings are working towards gender equality, yet it seems impossible that a complete gender equality can possibly exist.


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