“Never Give Up”

Last class, we were extremely fortunate to hear from Nolan Watson, the CEO of Sandstorm Gold. At just 34 years old, Nolan is already a successful entrepreneur in the mining industry. After specializing in accounting from Sauder, he rapidly worked his way of becoming the CEO of Silver Wheaton. Unwilling to stay at his existing position, Nolan again challenged his inner potential. He left Silver Wheaton in 2009 to start up his own business, Sandstorm. Despite many uncertainties, Nolan’s resolute spirit for achievement provided the motivation to prevail. He knew he had to “chart” his own destiny and within years, his company was steered on the New York Stock Exchanges.

Sandstorm Gold is a very interesting business. The company makes up front payments to the miners for which they receive a portion of the mines gold production at a fixed cost per ounce. That means, Sandstorm does not have to pay any costs associated with building the mine nor will be impacted by inflation.

An inspirational message that I took away from Nolan is “Never Give Up.” As Nolan states, “It’s a cliché but it’s a cliché for a reason.” We are unable to avoid the inevitable but with determination, a sense of purpose, and a professional demeanour, we can achieve the impossible.

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