Personal Blog #8: Comments on Stem Cell Beauty’s post –Alexis Wolfer “The Female Beauty MacGyver” – Interview + New Book


Is It Hard to Be a Female Entrepreneur?


Alexis Wolfer: Founder and editor-in-chief of was an online women’s magazine that I accidentally came across when I was shopping online. It was surprising to notice that the founder of this website was also a female whose name is Alexis Wolfer. According to the blog of, Wolfer had the prototype of today’s company as early as she was in graduate school, and it becomes “the business model for the Beauty Bean”¹ now. After reading through the blog, my interest in entrepreneurship was triggered.

Recently, we have many alumni guests coming to the lecture. As the matter of fact, they are all Sauder alumni, so their successes become more genuine. Both Alexis Wolfer and the alumni share a common characteristic that they believe in their ideas and have the desire to make them into products. Like what Amielle Lake said in alumni lecture, to be an entrepreneur, “your job is to sell the dream.” To tell the truth, I have never thought about being an entrepreneur before, as I believe it is extremely complex to set up a new business. However, after getting to know how Alexis Wolfer succeeded from this blog, I began to consider this option. Maybe I will be able to share my entrepreneurship experience someday as well. Who knows?

Endnotes: 1. The Blog of (2014, September 9). Retrieved November 5, 2014, from

Picture reference:   Retrieved from < Alexis+Wolfer+Multi+Purpose+Mixture>

Article Reference: 

The Blog of (2014, September 9). Retrieved November 5, 2014, from


Read more:

The Beauty Bean’s official website: <>

Definition of “Entrepreneurship”: <>

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