Personal Blog #6: Respond to Nezika Mulyadi’s post of “New Opportunity or a Wrong Decision?”


Respond to Nezika Mulyadi’s post of “New Opportunity or a Wrong Decision?” 



A recent blog post from my classmate Nezika Mulyadi discussed the upcoming product “iWatch” introduced by Apple Inc. According to the press conference in September 2014, iWatch “won’t be available until early 2015.”¹ Even though society still has to wait for at least one year, iWatch has already become a heated topic. Based on Mulyadi’s post, she has a optimistic attitude towards the prospect of iWatch, which I share the same.

The value proposition of iWatch has become a vital factor to decide whether this product is a new opportunity or wrong decision. Nevertheless, according to the information I obtained online, I believe iWatch is demonstrating a competitive value proposition currently. To begin with, the existed Apple products have provided iWatch with a high perception in consumers’ mind. Hence, consumers trust iWatch will be a “gain creator” which fulfills the needs they want, and maybe even beyond their expectations. More importantly, iWatch presents powerful “points of difference“. Unlike other high-end watch companies (especially those in Switzerland), Apple designs iWatch to be a product that combined with both traditional appearance and state-of-the-art technology. The product is no longer just “a wrist-worn timekeeping device.”²

After analyzing the product from the aspect of “value proposition”, iWatch seems more likely to be a new opportunity to Apple. However, even Apple can not guarantee each of its product will be a hot item, for the reason that plans can’t catch up changes forever.


1. Shara, T. (2014, September 7). Big-screen iPhones, iWatch start the clock on Apple’s ‘amazing’ product spree – CNET. Retrieved November 2, 2014, from <>

2. Horace, D. (2014, October 31). Measuring the Apple Watch opportunity. Retrieved November 2, 2014, from <>

Picture reference:  

Retrieved from <>

Article Reference:

Horace, D. (2014, October 31). Measuring the Apple Watch opportunity. Retrieved November 2, 2014, from <>

Shara, T. (2014, September 7). Big-screen iPhones, iWatch start the clock on Apple’s ‘amazing’ product spree – CNET. Retrieved November 2, 2014, from <>

Read more:

Definition of “Value Proposition”: <>

Definition of “Gain Creator”: <>

Definition of “Points of Difference”: <>

Apple’s official website: <>

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