China, Japan entering global competition for foreign workers

As we can see Asia’s global economy market is growing, therefore according to Chinese news media, China will be introducing a list of skills currently in demand in the country to attractive foreign workers. At the same time, Japan also wants to canvass foreign people to work in their country.

According to China’s Daily, Beijing’s announcement came two years after the city of Shanghai began publishing its own oversea recruitment list. The list wasn’t in a big size, 72 positions that nine state-owned enterprises were looking to fill. The size won’t be as large as Canadian’s program; the national skills list will be published next year, although no other details about the program. Both China and Japan are looking for science, technology, and management field talents, this two countries are both having strong economy, also including southeast countries, like Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and other countries. Those countries are actually very attractive for foreign talent. Because of China’s business market, lots of people want to find their opportunities in China.

 The problem is Canada is facing with other countries competing for the same foreign talents, but Canada still having some strength than other countries.


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