Lululemon’s new marketing problem

Nowadays, lululemon is facing some problem in the market, one of the problems is that their pants can actually see though and the second problem is pants are pilling.

And Lululemon founder Chip Wilson has responded to concerns over the fabric used for some garments by suggesting in an interview with Bloomberg TV that the Vancouver company’s pants just don’t work for all female body types.

His interview made some overweight women felt angry about him, one of the consumer said:” he just didn’t think about the real problem, he can’t just say fat women’ s body can’t wear their products. he need to solve the actual problem.”

When host Trish Regan asked about complaints about pilling of the fabric, Wilson said: “There has always been pilling. The thing is that women will wear seatbelts that don’t work or they’ll wear a purse that doesn’t work or, quite frankly, some women’s bodies just don’t work for it,” Wilson said.

“Even our small sizes would fit an extra large, [but] It’s really about the rubbing through the thighs, how much pressure is there … over a period of time, and how much they use it,” he continued said.

Although Chip Wilson’s interview made so many women angry, but it still can’t stop people buying their products, because Lululemon’s brand already sucessfully spread to everybody, therefore they still have consumers to purchase their products.

From this article we can know brand power is very important for a company, the advertisement must made consumers wants to buy their products, at this point Lululemon did very sucessfully. Lulu lemon


Interview with Lululemon founder Chip Wilson×9~http:,,,/1/ts/~s~__ABR__/1/f/~video_mp4~__LSV__/1/m/t/m/j/p/njtz/cbc01/video.m3u8 


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