New business in Malaysia

  Prime Minister Stephen Harper visited Malaysia on Saturday after 17 years later. This time he went to Malaysia because Canada wants to make a business connect with Malaysia, the growth of Southeast Asian middle class is the key driver in the market,Canadians’ companies are put their eyes on southeast countries. Not only Canada, China is doing almost $100 billion dollars a year in trade with Malaysia while Canada is trade put about $3 millions annual. On Saturday, President Xi said he’d like to see that total hit $160 billion a year by 2017.

   Canada- Malaysia are doing some business together like, CAE Inc. is the important one, CAE Inc. is discount airline for Air Asian, the fast growing in region, also have other companies are connect with Malaysia, such as: Talisman Energy, Bombardier Rail, Teknion Furniture and several major financial institutions are among the Canadian firms already cashing in on regional growth. Nowadays, the international business market has been developed a lot; the whole market is a free market, one country can trade their advantages to other countries and get their benefits.


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