Blog#3 Newspaper’s Future

There were only paper newspaper at past. Nevertheless, because of the development of the advanced technology, there are online newspapers nowadays. Some people even just read the news through their phone’s app instead of reading the paper newspaper. Apps for news which updated frequently let people who take public transportation to go to work feel it is convenient for them to read the news on their way to work; because they only need a phone on hand. Different forms of the newspaper lead to the change of people’s opinion on it.

We know that there are free newspaper in Canada which people can get beside the street or in some public place. By contrast, some countries like China does not offer free newspaper for the public which means that people must pay for the reading of the news. Would you prefer to buy the paper newspaper, or read the newspaper online by free?

Newspaper only survive on buyers ranging from 30 to 80 year old nowadays. Younger ones tend to not buy newspaper and would rather read news off websites. This is what causes to the great decline in the market of newspaper. Young people may read newspapers online. The Internet is a great access for them to get any kind of information they want to know. So the further of the newspaper industry is a worrying one for us to consider about. Would newspaper decline? If newspaper companies were to stop publishing due to low demand, unemployment rate would increase a lot. When unemployment rate increases, the economy will eventually go in a downward trend. So the decline of the newspaper will cause the new social problems.



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