Blog#4 How to succeed in business in Canada – give customers great value

I read the blogs on The Big Decision and found that the blog named How to succeed in business in Canada – give customers great value written by Joanne Nemeroff is very valuable for thinking deeply and writing comments on.

Canada is a country with a lot of opportunities to operate the business. However, the opportunities may lead to competitions. To find the most effective way to operate business in Canada is important for business people. Joanne’s blog analyses the elements associated with the success and the ways to succeed in business.

At the beginning of the blog, Joanne asks the question of “what are the most important qualities necessary when those retailers select a vendor”. In my opinion, merchandise’s cost of conversion must be considered carefully. Joanne also claims that manufacturing costs may be lower outside of Canada, however the speed of delivery can be faster inside Canada. If you see value in goods being produced, so will the customer. Ultimately the business owner must decide what is more important – the lower cost to produce or the speed to deliver.

The social changes a lot, it is not difficult to find that few products are made in Canada today as we are no longer a manufacturing society. Because of this special situation, Joanne advices that find your comfort niche and get a return for the money invested.

I strongly agree with her and also I find the extra four steps to be successful in business: 1. Get a grip on your emotions and decide on your goals. 2. Make sure you understand what cash flow is and where it’s going to come from. 3. Recognize the sales mentality before it’s too late. 4. Learn to anticipate and recognize the changes in your business.


Joanne Nemeroffs article


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