Blog#5 Social Tools in Promotion

Recently, I read the blogs written by my classmate Junqi Liu and found some meaningful perspectives. Here I want to comment on her blog called “Social Tools in Promotion”. Since I also wrote a blog about Internet marketers, I think “Social Tools in Promotion” is another sight from Internet business and worth for me to study and refer to.

In Junqi Liu’s “Social Tools in Promotion”, she comments that many social network tools such as Weibo and Facebook play a key role in the market for both consumers and suppliers. I am really agree with this opinion, since we are all from China, we know that Weibo is an important and popular network business tool among some newly-developing Chinese business.

How do these network tools play roles in promotion? Junqi Liu describes it very well. Some newly-developing business people set up an account on Weibo for the shop and keep update the Weibo account by posting different kinds of goods and the link of homepage in order to attract more people. These actions may raise customers’ concern on their products. The following step to promote is to update a status on Weibo to tell people that if they forward the ads, they will have a chance to win some prizes or discounts. It seems that customers pick up something cheap just by forwarding ads. So lots of customers will forward that ads and their friends on Weibo will see their status. These network business people could enhance the product reputation by spread these ads.

Thousands of online shop sellers are using social network tools to promote their product because they saw the great result and good effect of it. I believe network promotion would become more and more popular because there are lots of benefits behind it.

Link: Junqi Liu’s blog

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