Blog#6 Starbucks—Our Marketing Plan Assignment

Marketing analysis and planning are significant activities for the majority of firms. The purpose of our marketing plan assignments is to apply the concepts we learn in our coursework to marketing analysis and planning for a real good or service for the chosen company. Our marketing group has 6 people and the company we concentrated on is Starbucks.

First assignment is marketing environment analysis and SWOT. And the second assignment is the STP outline which defines segmentation, targeting, and positioning that form the foundation for a Starbucks’ entire marketing plan. Because of group members’ effort, we got great marks in these two assignments.

Priority among priorities, I want to say something about our third assignment here. This is a marketing mix analysis video project. Our video did not just record people speaking in the camera as usual, we made a cartoon and then dubbed for it. We think this is a special way to produce a unique video. The story in it is happen in a family who has a little son. Here is a part of the video: At the beginning of the story, the little son says he does not like the stuff in Starbucks. Then the consulting group recommends that Starbucks should consider increasing the depth of its non-coffee beverages and food product lines as younger customers do not usually drink coffee on a regular basis. Even though it is the most time consuming assignment among our entire marketing plan and we met 5 times in total to complete this video assignment; we find the good in it.

Through this experience, I find the cohesion plays an important role in group working. As we know that many hands make light work, I am glad to see that our group members are all very helpful and diligent.

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