Diamond business in Canada

Recently, diamond business is popular amony Canda’s business. I searched some information about it and post this blog to share with you.

As the world’s third largest country which exports diamonds, Canadian diamonds are mainly sent to the USA and European countries.The USA is the largest diamond trading partner with Canada. On the other way,Canada has a cooperation with the Middle East for the trade of diamond and oil.

Diamond mining has also led to a marked increase in Northern jobs. And these positions are more than just stints, but long-term posts. Nearly a third of these jobs are held by aboriginals and average salaries hover around $63,000. The mining has come to account for almost half of the North WestTerritory’s GDP, according to Deb Archibald, director of minerals, oil and gas at the NWT industry ministry.

However, both open-pit and underground mines present significant environmental impacts. Issues such as destruction or loss of habitat, water contamination, excessive waste (rock, soil etc…) and the possibility of heavy metals or toxins leeching into the water table are ever-present factors. In the case of the new Gahcho Rue mine, the displacement of the caribou habitat and migration paths are of great concern.

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