Online Shopping

Nowadays, more and more people choose online shopping rather than go the shopping mall. Undoubtedly, online shopping has many advantages such as: 

•Savings in time
•No driving and parking
•Information on product comparison easily

However, it is obviously that there are still many disadvantages on online shopping. Just like the bad shopping experiences happened on my friend recently. My friend ordered a pair of shoes on the online store. The storekeeper promised that if the size did not fit my friend, my friend could return it for free. However, while my friend received  the shoes, her found that the color is not the one she wants. What’s worse, the storekeeper did not admitted the goods rejected. Lots of goods brought online do not have invoice, so that consumers’ equity could not be protected well.  In my opinion, online shopping:

•Lack of personal attention from a salesman
•Not able to try the merchandise on especially clothing
•Lack of close quality examination
•More chances for mistakes in ordering the wrong item
Online merchants who want to succeed should  provide clear and sufficient information so consumers can make an informed choice and honestly take reasonable steps to ensure the consumer’s choice is informed.

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