Happy Feet-Zappos

The case of Zappos which I read this weekend is a good example of organizational culture. I read the article and found that Zappos is a shoes company which sales many kind of brands shoes.

Organization culture is an important factor that decides one company’s success. Zappos is a successful comply which utilize the organizational culture well.

In my opinion,Zappos succeed in shoes industry because it deals the relationship between the company and consumers well.For instance, it shifts the public transaction into the comfort and prividing of customers living rooms; Zappos has a policy that consumers can return the shoes which he does not like in 365 days; Zappos also displays a toll-free customers-service phone number.

Zappos does well in develop its organizational culture as well which means it treats its employees well. First of all, it has the recruitment and selection process. Secondly, it has free vats of popcorn, nuts and trail max. Thirdly, it organizes employees undergo 160 hours of customer loyalty training. The last but not the least, employees who wants to advance to manager positions have to take tribal leadership classes. These behaviors is good for employees’ development and also the comply’s improvement.


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