Comparative Advertising


Sometimes we can see the ads that compare their product with competitor’s product.

This is the Pepsi advertising, which comparing with Coca-cola.

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This advertising is pretty fun. In the ads, polar bears are tanned. Polar bear is the symbol of Coca-cola. By tanning the polar bears, it gives imgae of having Pepsi during summer time is so much fun but Coca-cola is boring.


But I have doubt that how effective this ad is because right after I watched the ad, I got hostility. It criticizes Coca-cola directly. Even my friends who watched this ad together said they got offended by this ad because it’s too direct comparative and people still have more positive feeling towards Coca-cola. Also some of my friends said they thought this is Coca-cola’s ads because we have concept of ‘Polar bear= Coca-cola’. So I don’t this this comparative advertising is successful.

Comparative advertising can be fun and effective ad strategy but have big chance to get offended. Those ads by Burger King are pretty funny. It can give a bit of smile while watching them.

Personally this Burger King ad is creative and doesn’t give that much offend against Burger King.
Also comparative ads can give information about the product effectively by comparing. This Burger King ad gives the information about its size effectively by comparing with McDonald because everyone knows that arch M stands for McDonald and McDonald is known for small size.
Actually these days, many companies use comparative advertising to get more attention from consumers and emphasize their advantage against their competitors’.
But we have to keep in mind that too direct comparative ad can be harm for the companies’ image as well.

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