Lululemon, the brand which we have all come to know and love, appears to be our downfall. This same downfall has Lululemon swimming in gold.


According to MSN Travel, this is what we all look like

MSN Travel has criticized citizens of Vancouver for trading in the jeans for tight fitting yoga pants. The inability of Vancouverites to keep yoga pants in yoga studios has fashion experts cringing, much to Lululemon’s delight.

Lululemon has created a monopoly in Vancouver, dominating the market with its black pants consumers wear EVERYWHERE. Vancouverites are unconsciously advertising for Lululemon globally, 24/7. Our city has been branded, like Pittsburgh (“steel city”) or Detroit (“motown”), we are now Lululemon city. Thanks to MSN Travel, any mention of Vancouver in fashion circles will inevitably bring up the topic of Lululemon. With its domination over Vancouver, Lululemon now has the support and reputation to expand globally.



On a side note, I also strongly disagree with our ranking, as I can certainly name three cities in CANADA ALONE that dress worse than Vancouver:

1) Yellowknife

2) Iqaluit

3) Whitehorse

“Jealousy works the opposite way you want it to.” – words of wisdom from the little red Lululemon bag


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