Blogging ‘Bout a Blog

When someone mentions blog, I think:

1) Ads

2) Writers with no credentials

3) Spam

Seth Godin’s blog has shattered these stereotypes. His writing is intelligent, sophisticated, humorous, and fully credible. An author turned entrepreneur turned professional blogger (with a public speaking stint as well), his background in business has helped his blog become the #1 marketing blog on the internet. He is the father of permission marketing.

Topics on his popular blog range from internet impressions, violin, optimism, sucess, to arithmetic, but one common theme binds them all together: business ideas made easy. Seth uses allusions and vivid images to simplify extremely complex business concepts. I’ve only just eclipsed my third month of business school, yet I understand his writing.

Blogs are entirely different beasts than books. Anyone with internet can access his blog, creating enormous exposure. Due to the greater size and variety of his audience, he must cater to all visitors rather than focus on a select group of readers. The writer of a blog must be an expert in current relevant news, producing pieces regularly. The simplicity, brevity, and logical train of thought was what captured me. Blogging is an art form, and much can be taken from Seth’s brush strokes.

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