Green Energy in Canada

Saskatchewan, a province of central Canada powered up an old coal-fired power on October 2nd, which is described by Maria van der Hoeven, an international Energy Agency as a historic milestone of low-carbon future. However, the cost for this technology is quite huge which make this Green Energy uneconomically behind the screen. In order to cover the huge investment, the plant’s publicly-owned operator, SaskPower considers to sell the byproducts, such as sulphur dioxide emissions and “the captured carbon dioxide to Cenovus Energy, which plans to pump the gas into oil wells not far away to boost output”. This is not really achieve “Green Energy” from the fundamental aspect since the product still relate to fossil fuel.

As my opinion, I do not think the Green Energy project really works. One reason is that although the technology is born to use, the cost is so large that people cannot afford it.  Another reason is that pump carbon dioxide into oil well is threaten to the environment, how can a project not good to the environment calls ” Green energy”.

I chose this topic because I find some decision must be making under both economical and environmental friendly way, which is sometimes difficult but interesting.

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