Comments for Adam Sibbald’s blog- Acquisition, not Innovation

Adam Sibbald’s blog- Acquisition, not Innovation is a high quality blog. First of all, the structure is clear and the writing is professional with learning knowledge from COMM 101. Secondly, examples and self-opinions for business future competition are given.

In Adam Sibbald’s blog, he thinks technological companies would transfer their strategies from innovation to acquisition of small business by larger, which would concentrate competition in the market and then result in monopoly with only one of these companies left standing.

I agree with some of his ideas. For instance, acquisition would lead to more concentrated competition with fewer business inside the market, which would result in decreasing supply with increasing price,  as well as higher profit.

However, I do not think companies would totally shift from innovation to acquisition, especially for technology industries. Innovation is the key point for technology companies to develop. Consumers are always seeking for better functions and designs for products, not unitary and high price goods. Therefore, become a monopoly among one market is not a wise decision for both business and customer. Besides, political forces would disturb the market. Government would set regulations to motivate competition in order to lower price and differentiate products.


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