If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise?

The biggest reason for poor countries, like Africa needs the Arc or social enterprise while having fully funded by the United Nations is lacking of knowledge and skills, therefore cannot make efficient business operation and production.

United Nations only provide funds to the poor countries, but if the government wants to solve poverty from basic level rather than immediate but fragile growth, it should focus more on the quality of workers and efficiency of production. Arc, the program run by Sauder School of Business which bring students, alumnus together with African entrepreneurs to help enhance their business; social enterprise, the group of people who saw tragic episode into chance and ambitious to tackle major social issues would bring new blood to African local business. With professional knowledge, those groups of people could make different plans according to different structures of business, therefore to generate better profitable production and improve citizens life qualities.

For instance, Fitih Tesfaye, who owns a restaurant but now struggling with increasing competition inside the region, learnt and used strategic map in Arc to develop a brand new product of dessert, which generate higher monthly income than the country’s GDP. This shows, skills and strategy used by Arc or social enterprise could help more for local business by solving problems according to symptoms.





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