Millennials influence the workplace


Millennials, or Generation Y, can regard as the demographic cohort following Generation X, which is the generation born after the Western Post-World War II Baby Boom.

As a young and passionate group of people, with significant differences of value, belief as well as lifestyle from Generation X, millennials enter and will dominate the workplace in the next few decades whether Baby Boomers like or not.

From one aspect, millennials can bring new blood to business. Since technology and innovation are important factors for businesses in long term growth, millennials, with relatively better understanding of contemporary technology advancement and novel ideas will provide the business easier accesses to bigger market. Besides, they are more energetic and more willing to learn than Baby Boomers with full passion to work.

However, the Millennial generation, which “has been widely characterised as self-centred, lazy, and demanding” can influence businesses in a negative way. First of all, most of them do not like to stay at one business for a long time, which would cost the organisation a high expense for replacement. Apart from that, millennials regard flexibility as the priority of their work, which would interrupt the business frame. Additionally, because they are the generations recruit the latest knowledge, they are too confident to teach Baby Boomers, who supposed be their model.

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