Private Companies Monopoly Does Not Exist?

Perfect competition is a concept used to explain some economic concepts, but it does not exist in real life anywhere. What does exits is a near perfect competition. Monopoly is, in a way, the opposite of perfect condition, in which a single firm or supplier has complete control over market prices and supplies.

True Monopoly generally exist only in government controlled markets. For example provision of civic services such as sewage disposal is generally monopoly of local self government bodies such as municipal corporations.

Monopoly in private business are rather rare, and even then they only approach monopolistic power bur are not perfect monopolies. The conflicts between Rogers and Bell is a good example of private business. If Bell succeeds in purchasing both CTV and Astral, there is no doubt that Bell will have monopoly in market price.

My analysis indicates that true monopoly is really rare because almost all companies have rivals in thier fields. In the mobile world, we have Appple and Samsung. In the area of car, Benz and BMW are competitors.


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