Re ( External Blog): 6 Reasons Color Can Make A Big Difference In Your Marketing

Searching for information is the second step of consumer decision making process. If a person what to buy skincare products, it is very probable that he (she) will search the websites of different skincare brands, trying to evaluate between the alternatives.  According to the blog, color is a very important factor to make a website visually appeal to a company‘s target audience. “Color instantly sets off visual triggers that point to a big yes or no in the mind. That means color alone can make or break your marketing. ” 

I cannot agree more. In a time-poor society, people usually judge the value of a website based on their first impression. Different colors give people different feelings. Since a different color can change a person‘ s feeling towards a website in a few seconds, companies should do more research about their potential consumers and choose the most suitable color for both their products and web page. From my perspective, the demographic background plays the most important role in this  decision making process.

A successful marketing campaign needs a lot of research on the target market. Although color is a very important factor for marketing, there are still a lot of other elements too. I believe that  marketing is like a communication between buyers and sellers. If sellers are able to let the buyers feel comfortable and satisfied, then buyers are more likely to purchase their products.


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