Apple and Samsung

Apple v. Samsung

Is Samsung an oringinal or a copy?

Documents presented in the Apple-Samsung case seem not to offer actual evidence that Samsung told its designers to copy the iPhone.

Groklaw goes on to lament:  “When everybody (both consumers and the industry) talk about UX, they weigh it against the iPhone. The iPhone has become the standard. That’s how things are already.”

And yet there appear to be no words that suggest the iPhone is to be copied.

Instead, one document ends with: “To everyone, he( the senior executive at Samsung) said you must think at least six months ahead; be the solution to the problems that related departments come looking for. Be people with creativity.”

The document is full of exhortation to do better and to focus on “comfort and ease of use.” Some would say that defines the iPhone.

I believe the main reason why recent court cases are happening is the goal of both Samsung and  Apple are identical.  And also, people are used to iphone when Samsung smart phones  are released.


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