Expired Food on Airplane?

On Michelle Xu’s blog post on airplane food, https://blogs.ubc.ca/ohhmichelle/2013/10/08/expired-food-on-airplane/, she points out the incident of expired food being served to passengers on Air China’s Beef Cakes. To worsen the issue, the chief attendant specifically ordered for this news to be kept secret from the passengers but the spoiled food was nevertheless unveiled because it caused numerous passengers to suffer from stomachaches. In addition, Air China did not respond when the a customer, Mrs. Zhang, complained to the company. The avoidance of the problem only disturbs the image of the company. To ensure customer loyalty, the airline should come out and apologise for the mistake and think of compensation plans to gain the trust of their customers once more. Air China can even use this as an opportunity to invest in further training of their employees and rise up the standards of their operating system. With this sincere gesture and admitting to their mistakes, customers will be more wiling to maintain their loyalty to the airline.

Are Consumers No Longer Eating Cereal

According to Karina Furuya’s Blog Post https://blogs.ubc.ca/karina08/2013/11/15/53/

She discusses the issue about how the sales rate for cereal is decreasing because of the many alternatives that are being offered by companies such as Kelloggs. She states that this loss is cutting jobs every year. In addition, the sales for milk is also declining because milk is a complement with cereal so their sales rate parallel. However, according to my research, there are many new opportunities for Kelloggs to generate new sales. With the increase in awareness of the healthy lifestyle in the current generation, Kelloggs should use this as an advantage to produce healthy and nutritious products to attract for customers.  The new homepage of Kelloggs is focused around the theme “Invest in Your Health.” Kelloggs has invented new products with low sugar and low fat and claims to use the latest nutritional tips to improve the health of their consumers. Kelloggs’ use of their customer’s new values on a healthy lifestyle fits the needs of the current market and will allow them to recover from their decrease in sale on breakfast cereal.

Works Cited

Kelloggs Official Website <http://www.kelloggs.com/en_US/healthy-investments/weight-management/the-skinny-on-your-cereal-bmi-and-nutrition.html>

Cash on Pets

Entrepreneurs have to be constantly on the look-out for opportunities as well as exploring risks to start-up businesses because who would have guessed that dressing up your Labrador as a bumble bee would make companies millions of dollars. Statistics show that Americans spend $61 billion annuallyon  their pets and creating a need for consumers to spend this money is a great opportunity for profit. My research shows that the clothing industry has successfully grasped this opportunity and flourished from selling costumes for pets. Recent studies show that sales for pets’ costumes have grown 68% from $220 million to $370 million in sales just on pet costumes in America alone. This number is more than the average house-hold’s spending on alcohol, men clothing and land-line telephones combined. The understanding of market trends is crucial for success and the ability to place oneself in front of the trends will always be beneficial. As the priorities of pending shifts, entrepreneurs have to constantly ask themselves key questions such as “when will traditionally brand-loyal pet owners try new brands?”3, “what strategies works best when advertising to pet owners?” and “what kind of products are needed and have potential for sales?”

1Kurtzleben, Danielle. “Americans Spend $61 Billion on Pets Annually.” US News. May 22nd 2013. November 14th 2013.

2Passy, Charles. “Americans Spend $300 million on Costumes for Pets” MarketWatch. October 28th 2013. November 14th 2013.

3“Pet Parents Present Opportunities for Brand Engagement.” eMarketer. July 24th 2013. November 14th

Coca-Cola vs Gender Contamination

According to Carmen Nobel’s blog post “Should Men’s Product Fear a Woman’s Touch” on the Harvard Business School Blog, research shows that loyal customers, especially men, often get upset when a brand that is commonly associated with masculinity are expanded and perceived as feminine. Harvard Business School Senior Lecturer Jill Avery calls this phenomenon “gender contamination.” Gender contamination can be detrimental to a brand if the product fails to attract enough female customers and pushes away male customers at the same time. Most cultures today are androcentric meaning it is more acceptable for women to hold masculine traits than it is vice versa. This culture troubled Coca-Cola for many years as the company tried and failed to market its Diet Coke to men. My research shows that Coca-Cola did not have enough market research and failed to realize that the striking white packaging of the Diet Coke can was portrayed as feminine therefore “even though there was a functional need for men to drink lower-calorie soda, men couldn’t bridge the gender gap image-wise without a new brand and product just for them.”1 Brand positioning and consumer research is essential for understanding that men were willing to consume more calories just to look more masculine even if they knew they wouldn’t afford the extra pound. Coca-Cola soon realized this threat and launched a new marketing strategy with their Coke Zero which was packaged in a black and red can with the new marketing campaign “It’s Not Your Fault.”2 This allowed men to drink Coke Zero without feeling associated with women and their sales greatly exceeded the predictions of the company.

Works Cited:

“Should Men’s Product Fear a Woman’s Touch?” Harvard Business School. November 12th 2013. November 14th 2013.

“New Coke Zero Campaign” The Coca-Cola Company. March 18th 2013. November 14th 2013.

Microsoft Kills Stack Ranking

Microsoft has decided to get rid of its review system that ranked its employees along a bell curve. In its place, Microsoft will give employees more frequent feedback on their performance and managers will have more control over how bonuses are distributed. I believe this new system will have a positive impact on Microsoft because eradicating stack ranking allows the company’s environment to be less stressful. According to my research, Microsoft is now slowly shifting away from the more cut throat and political environment to a more family cultured work place. Building this new company culture of family and teamwork and the new approach to measuring performance can get rid of the competitive mindset of Microsoft’s employees. If the employees are constantly trying to put themselves in the spotlight in the place of their co-workers then sabotaging may occur which will be detrimental to the company. For a company to be successful, it is essential that the employees not only care about their own performance but also how they contribute to promote the success of others who work with them. Now that the employees can have the same objective and goals as their co-workers, Microsoft will be able to promote new levels of teamwork and business breakthroughs.


Works Cited:

Ovide, Shira. “Why Microsoft Dumped Stack Ranking.” The Wall Street Journal. November 12th 2013
Ask Rick: Problems with Autoscroll on Microsoft. The Telegraph. December 7th 2012. November 12th 2013

Walmart: the Next Clean Giant

Walmart has been attempting to present itself as a supporter of renewable energy. In 2012, the company reached their goal of reducing 20% of their greenhouse gas emissions. Just over a month ago, Solar Means Business Report reported Walmart as the leading company in terms of renewable energy adaption, followed by Costco, Apple and IKEA. As the world’s largest corporation, Walmart takes up a huge portion of production energy. But their values of encouraging innovation and constant acceleration to adapt to cost effective as well as clean energy alternatives has successfully established Walmart a clear point of difference. Not only does renewable energy allow Walmart’s cots to go down, it also brings up the competitive level of the company as it forces other corporations to invest in renewable energy as well just to keep up with Walmart’s fast pace. Furthermore, this point of difference is not only sustainable but has financial attractiveness. It is also relevant, distinct and believable to the customers because sustainability is being emphasized more and more and Walmart’s visible progress will help secure them to the top of the industry.

Works Cited:

Peixe, Joao. “Walmart: the Next Clean Energy Giant.” The Christian Science Monitor. October 30th 213. November 12th 2013.

“Environmental Sustainability.” Corporate Walmart. November 12th 2013.

Aiche’s Sustainable Meeting Initiative. aiche.org. November 12th 2013.

Amazon Raises Free Shipping Minimum

                For the first time in a decade, Amazon has decided to raise its minimum shipping price from $25 to $35. This change affects millions of people all over the world as the number of active Amazon users has reached 182 million according to Business Insider. However, I believe this raise in prices can potentially have a positive impact on Amazon because it can be a way to convert more users into the Amazon Prime that the company offers. For an annual fee of $79, Amazon Prime allows for a two-day free shipping for any items bought and an upgrade of $3.99 provides same-day shipping services. This is extremely convenient as customers no longer have to be limited to a minimum free shipping fee. A boost in the price can push more customers into becoming Amazon Prime subscribers and Amazon will be able to work similar to Costco and make profit off the annual membership fees whilst providing cheap service and products. In addition, with the free-shipping and same-day shipping services, other companies will have a tough time competing and catching up with the innovative pace of Amazon.


Works Cited:

Thomas, Owen. “Amazon has Approximately 10 Million Members for its Surprisingly Profitable Prime Club.” Business Insider. March 11th 2013. November 4th 2013.

Mcallister, Shep. “Amazon Bumps Free Shipping Threshold to $35,Now You Really Want Prime.” October 22nd 2013. November 4th 2013.

McEntegart, Jane. “U.S,U.K Amazon Prime Customers Get Sunday Deliveries.” Toms Hardware. November 4th 2013.