Are Consumers No Longer Eating Cereal

According to Karina Furuya’s Blog Post

She discusses the issue about how the sales rate for cereal is decreasing because of the many alternatives that are being offered by companies such as Kelloggs. She states that this loss is cutting jobs every year. In addition, the sales for milk is also declining because milk is a complement with cereal so their sales rate parallel. However, according to my research, there are many new opportunities for Kelloggs to generate new sales. With the increase in awareness of the healthy lifestyle in the current generation, Kelloggs should use this as an advantage to produce healthy and nutritious products to attract for customers.  The new homepage of Kelloggs is focused around the theme “Invest in Your Health.” Kelloggs has invented new products with low sugar and low fat and claims to use the latest nutritional tips to improve the health of their consumers. Kelloggs’ use of their customer’s new values on a healthy lifestyle fits the needs of the current market and will allow them to recover from their decrease in sale on breakfast cereal.

Works Cited

Kelloggs Official Website <>

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