Expired Food on Airplane?

On Michelle Xu’s blog post on airplane food, https://blogs.ubc.ca/ohhmichelle/2013/10/08/expired-food-on-airplane/, she points out the incident of expired food being served to passengers on Air China’s Beef Cakes. To worsen the issue, the chief attendant specifically ordered for this news to be kept secret from the passengers but the spoiled food was nevertheless unveiled because it caused numerous passengers to suffer from stomachaches. In addition, Air China did not respond when the a customer, Mrs. Zhang, complained to the company. The avoidance of the problem only disturbs the image of the company. To ensure customer loyalty, the airline should come out and apologise for the mistake and think of compensation plans to gain the trust of their customers once more. Air China can even use this as an opportunity to invest in further training of their employees and rise up the standards of their operating system. With this sincere gesture and admitting to their mistakes, customers will be more wiling to maintain their loyalty to the airline.

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