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The restrictions on Medicine advertisement strongly limit differentiation that the firms use in positioning their products. Medicine producers are restricted in the usage of comparative advertising, plus that only the advertisement of non-prescribed medicine is promoted. So the variety of products is limited and they have many similarities, and only unified information overload happens.

However, is the restriction always bad? Legalistic restrict the firm to use any guaranty. This does limit the firms to induce demand in consumers, but at the same time, it helps the firms to avoid any problems later if the medicine does not work as it is guarantied in the advertisements. The requirement of warnings of side effects on the advertisements may reduce the information that the firm can communicate with the public; However at the same time, it may help the firm to build a good image of concerning the welfare of consumers.

So what can the firms do to promote their products?They can invent new products and try to occupy the first position in the market. The followers and relate to the popular firms. Also, naming with function is helpful in medical product. For example: Coldrex, Enlive!, and  Benefix.

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