Introduction to UrtheCast

Technology changes ever day to make people’s life easier. UrtheCast is one of those companies that observe the changes, find opportunities, and eventually lead the changes. It saw the niche in the market and created a platform combining the  utility of Youtube, Google map, and social networks all in one by uploading life videos. It allows sharing, not only in picture format, but also as videos.

The cost of this plan is high. The company needs to hire skilled technicians,  build return camps, buying licence from Russian satellite company, etc. However the business will earn profit, the founder guaranteed. Where does the money come from? It’s founded by private shares. It has received $4.5million from the latest round of fiance. Also, its revenue model includes:

  • Earth Observation Data sale
  • Media Content Sale
  • Application Platform Sale
  • Web Advertising

These money helps the company to set up the operations, and gain revenue continuously once the operators are set up.

There are some questions toward the life camera, especially, privacy. However, people should understand that the camera will not resolute every single person that is covers. Farther more, only information that is already been published will be shared by UrtheCast.



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