Air New Zealand always have something different for people in terms of advertising. Its new marketing series on The Hobbit emphasizes on providing a new fictional experience to the costumers. This series improves people’s view of New Zealand and generates more demand for Air New Zealand’s services.

Beside advertisements, Air New Zealand also produces safety briefing that align with the same theme. This provides consistency by referring New Zealand as the Meddle earth. Consumers do not like changes, even though this may be seasonal, Air New Zealand may be known as “that air line with The Hobbit theme”.

Advertisement for Air New Zealand

Advertisements are getting more and more interesting and stand out these days. It was definitely entertaining to watch the advertisements by Air New Zealand because they always produces things that are unexpected. It’s past series of Rico was eye-catchy. It uses many sexual references to make it more than just another advertisement. Through these consistent advertisements, Rico was given a stand-out personality and this information is encoded to consumers’ perception of the airline company.

Rico’s ad. Happy Hours

Air New Zealand is  successful in marketing since it uses the unique facts of New Zealand to attract consumer’s attention and uses popular themes to call for action.

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