8.29 mining accident killed 45 people, due to high density of gas and over underground population. The mine manager ignored the alarm and kept on the production process.

Though safety checks are done and unsafe mines were shut down, death due to mining accidents in China is still 10 times that of USA(1,973 in last year). Small, private mine owners are more concerned about their profit rather than lives, and the investment in improvements are delayed. Some mines operate illegally after being shut.

As China’s economy is more centralized, the roll of government is crustal. Even thought the government realizes that modern and mechanized production should take over the high-risk labour production, punishments sometimes is inefficient due to corruption. Also, workers in small mines are uneducated and unskilled, so they rather take risks than being starved.

The government sent leaders for training in Logan Country, Virginia after this accident. Education is important for both improving the safety of mining, and widening the job selection for people.

Social awareness of human safety is improving as the country develops. A manager responsible for the 8.29 accident committed suicide due to pressure. The development in society’s value judgement will help in improving the safety in all workplaces.

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