Apple Pay vs. CurrentC: Find a Way to Defeat the Rival

Extracting from Neysa Fernanda’s post concerning Apple Pay’s sustainability, I am convinced that Apple should reconsider its value proposition. Meanwhile, I am also interested in the subtle battle between Apple Pay and some of the biggest retailers in the US, who are going to launch their own online payment system using a mobile device.

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By doing some more research about CurrentC, I found that it would outweigh Apple Pay in some ways, especially in saving transaction fees for the retailers. In order to win this upcoming battle, I think Apple should take these recommendations:

  • Utilize Apple’s Brand Influence & Implant Apple Pay in People’s Daily Life

The concept of mobile payments has been around for some time. However, this method wasn’t that popular until Apple started to offer its own mobile payment, who has a solid customer base. Just like iMessage, iTunes and iCloud, Apple should get people used to their products and services thus creating customer loyalty before the launching of CurrentC.

  • Build Points of Difference

Inevitably, CurrentC will be a disruptive innovation as it will be really cheap for retailers. Apple should, consequently, producing more sophisticated services to ensure its market share. For example, fingerprint passwords is an appealing idea considering the safety issues.

In a word, Apple Pay should industriously prepare to face the challenging from CurrentC.



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