Best Buy hits the bar to pitch new 4K TVs




Best Buy turns the watering holes to be the showrooms of their new 4K TVs, which they believe will “plant the seed for a possible sale — and a lucrative one at that”. Despite the stagnant TV market, Best Buy think these Ultrahigh-definition TVs will be a “game changer” due to its innovation.


  • Great Marketing Strategy

From my point of view, the strategy of hitting the bars to pitch sales can be categorized as a “Focus Strategy”, as it concentrates on the sport fans gathering in the bars and their products are unique with their high-edge technology.  Also, it is also a strategy with rather low costs that Best Buy can probably exchange their free 4K TVS with the bar showroom rentals in the watering holes. In addition, it tries to educate the potential consumers about what 4K or UHD stands for, which also saves money in publicity of the new products.

  • The worthy reference of this strategy

Undoubtedly, the idea of moving the showrooms outside the stores to other places that are closer to potential customers is brilliant and is of great significance to the market popularization. Instead of merely staying in the stores and promoting the products to the customers walking in, businesses should break model conventions and actively approaches their potential customers who otherwise will not step into the stores.


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