Turn Offices Into Chipmunk’s Nests


Inspired by the video on Zappo’s customer service department in class, I am curious how workplace can influence employees’ attitudes and behaviors. After reading a blog post by Sally Augustin, I got a general idea of an engaging workplace and its effects on employees’ work.

In the article, the idea of “chipmunk test” especially impressed me. In general, work environments are made open to increase work related collaboration. However, Sally pointed out that privacy and comfort should be considered into the layout of workplace as “humans are comfortable in the sorts of protected seats”, just like chipmunks in their comfy nest. It is recommended to “tuck small meeting spaces into alcoves off hallways or floors of workspaces” in the blog. Personally, I agree with this statement. To complement my opinion, the isolated and protected meeting place shown in the picture above is preferred to an open and stark one.

I believe that in a rather comfortable and relaxed meeting place, more innovative ideas can be generated. Actually, I think that it is more likely to spawn great ideas during a casual and smooth conversation than during an intense and formal meeting.Therefore, I think this post is valuable and worth thinking about.





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